Red And Black Roulette



At the very beginning of the game, the probability that the ball will stop on a red or black section is 18/37, 0.486. The probability that the zero wins is 1/37, 0.027. If Black wins, then the Red winning odds are increased like 19/37 = 0.736. In the event, that Black wins twice in a row, the red chances are increased even more 19/37. 19/37 = 0.865. The highest roulette odds (36 to 1) are for a single number bet and the lowest (1 to 1) are for outside bets like Odd/Even or Red/Black. Secondly, if you want to know what is the best bet for winning in online roulette, keep in mind that the European roulette odds to win are slightly better than those at the American table.

What are the longest streaks of the Even Chances?

The following statistics table shows all Even Chances (Red, Black, High, Low, Even and Odd) series (ie. sequences), including single spins, that appeared in 397271 recorded past spins of a European roulette in a brick and mortar casino. A sequence was regarded as stopped whenever a ZERO was found or, of course, the opposite outcome. When an end-of-day or end-of-file was reached, the ongoing sequence was NOT counted for, as this was regarded as an “unnatural” or “premature” ending.
Total number of spins investigated: 397271
Red: 395457
Black: 395454
Even: 395381
Odd: 395414
Low: 395465
High: 395305
ZERO: 10641


LEGEND (explaining the columns of the following table):
Lth: Length of sequence
NoFR: Total number of sequences of this lenght found, of Red
NoFB: Total number of sequences of this lenght found, of Black
NoFE: Total number of sequences of this lenght found, of Even
NoFO: Total number of sequences of this lenght found, of Odd
NoFL: Total number of sequences of this lenght found, of Low
NoFH: Total number of sequences of this lenght found, of High

You can also study the detailed statistics tables:

Bet On Red And Black Roulette


Thanks to the work of the late Mr. Oops.