Roulette Discord

💮 Anime

Discord Bots For Gambling

¶ Discord Chat Commands While some of Discord's 'slash' commands are fairly obvious to access, there are some things that can be done in the Message box that are somewhat undocumented (or hard to find information about). Interactive Waifu bot and Anime bot for Discord, Twitter and many other platforms; use 40+ commands with themes of Waifus, Husbandos and Anime! The third discord gambling bot, simply called “Gamble Bot”, is another fantastic option for discord gambling. Gamble Bot includes games like Roulette, Crash, Slots, Blackjack, and more. It even has built-in functionality for Waifus.

Lookup anime and manga information, get azurlane ship stats and claim your waifu

w/anime w/azurlane w/genre w/manga w/random w/waifu

👉 Action

Poke and highfive your cool friends or slap a baka

w/bite w/cuddle w/feed w/highfive w/hug w/kiss w/lick w/pat w/poke w/punch w/slap w/tickle w/wasted

💖 Nsfw

43 nsfw commands with hentai and real porn images/gifs


💣 Meme

Funny memes and image generation for shitposters

w/america w/bongocat w/communism w/dab w/deepfry w/delete w/fedora w/gay w/jail w/rip w/salty w/satan w/trash w/trigger w/wanted w/whodidthis

📷 Image Gen

Simple image generation, ship two people, baguette a friend or quick edit images with blur/snow/invert/pixel effects

w/awoo w/baguette w/blur w/blurple w/bw w/invert w/magik w/pixel w/ship w/snow w/warp

📝 Text Gen

Text generation features for memes, colorful text and doki doki literature club

w/captcha w/change w/clyde w/ddlc w/drake w/owo w/trump

🎀 Image Edit (Donators)

Donator feature for fast image editing and effects such as resize/flip/rotate/tint and color replacing

Discord Roulette Bot Hack

w/clipboard w/edit w/load w/remove w/undo w/view

Gamble Bot Discord Hack

🚪 Server

Get server info for users, roles and channels with other misc utilities

w/boost w/chan w/chanid w/color w/joined w/joinpos w/mods w/nsfwrole w/offlinebots w/quote w/role w/roleid w/server w/videochat

🔨 Mod

Kick those spammers and ban those raiders!

w/ban w/copychan w/dehoist w/kick w/prune w/slowmode w/unban

🛠 Config

Configure your server to post welcome message, disable specific commands or block those pesky ads and bad links

w/adminonly w/autoicon w/block w/config w/disable w/enable w/nsfwcontent w/resetprefix w/setnsfw w/setprefix w/welcome w/whodisabled

🔰 User

Make new friends, get osu stats or show off your anime list

w/avatar w/created w/mal w/mymal w/myosu w/osu w/profile w/set w/steam w/user

🐶 Real

Casino Bot For Discord

Real life pictures of cute animals

w/bird w/cat w/dog w/duck w/lizard w/snake

🎲 Misc

Misc stuff for the bot and some usefull commands like find and discrim

w/api w/botinfo w/discord w/facegen w/find w/hex w/police w/rgb w/stats w/upvote


🔷 Core

Core commands, info and links for the bot

w/donate w/invite w/lib w/ping w/shard w/support w/test w/testerror w/website

Can Roulette be Beaten?

The short answer is: YES.

You won’t often hear about a winning roulette strategy because if it was common knowledge, casinos would go out of business pretty quickly.

Even they know winning strategies and software exist but, as you can imagine, they don’t want you to know this.

As long as the majority of people that play roulette lose, they will remain a profitable business.

Why Casinos Don’t Mind Winning Players

Online casinos get annoyed by winning players, rather than seeing them as a threat to their business.

They would rather stop you winning too much than prevent you from playing at all.

If they banned you, there would be fewer roulette wheels spun every day, leading to less income for them. After all, they still want you to make bets because they want you to lose.

Our Roulette Predictor sofrware has proved to beat the casinos without get banned, leading to profitable wins.

Why Other Roulette Prediction Softwares Lose

Casinos have a built-in advantage over most software, known as the “house edge”. This can be seen from how casinos pay out.

The roulette wheel has 37 numbers, meaning that you have a 1 in 37 chance of choosing correctly. However, casinos only pay out 35 to 1 so even when you win, you lose.

This is the biggest issue facing roulette prediction software. They cannot consistently beat the house edge.

Most roulette systems also fail to consider the “accuracy of future predictions”. They often use ineffective or roundabout calculations based on patterns that only appear in old spins.

Waifu Roulette Discord Bot

In theory, future numbers are random but that’s where we have the edge.

Because our Roulette Predictor Software can accurately predict the casino’s next number, the next number cannot be random and so the house’s edge disappears ie the chance of winning becomes significantly less than 1 in 37

Roulette Discord Bot

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